Senior Deep Learning Tools Developer

We are now looking for a Senior Deep Learning Tools Developer.

Innovative research relies on cutting edge infrastructure and tools! The NVIDIA Applied Deep Learning Research group is a team of world-class researchers in deep learning. We are passionate about deep learning applied to computer vision, audio, text and other domains, with the goal of improving specific problems encountered in NVIDIA’s products. After building prototypes that demonstrate the promise of your research, we work with product teams to integrate these ideas into products and make the research count. Our research projects require an intense amount of computation, relying on supercomputers and pushing them to their limits. The challenges are ever evolving, and require the infrastructure and tools to continuously evolve and step up to the challenge. These tools are part of the secret sauce enabling the research to evolve. In this position, you will develop and maintain tools that interact with various supercomputers and clusters of compute resources, as well as deep learning workflows.

What you'll be doing:

  • Develop and maintain tools that help with execution and monitoring of deep learning workflows in various supercomputers

  • Craft solutions to new problems arising from new needs of research projects, or the new compute environments they use

  • Collaborate with some of the industries’ leading experts in Supercomputers and Deep Learning research.

What we need to see:

  • Bachelors in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or equivalent experience.

  • 5+ years of relevant work experience

  • Experience doing development in Python and experience with unix and shell scripting

  • Excellent interpersonal skills

  • Flexibility for working in an evolving environment with different frameworks and requirements

  • Systematic problem-solving approach, coupled with strong communication skills and a sense of ownership and drive.

  • Ability to learn quickly and adapt to different platforms as per the need of the project.

  • Passionate about solving hard problems, developing quality solutions/code and passionate about improving efficiency and productivity

  • Familiarity with the basics of deep learning, CUDA programming and/or pytorch

  • Experience developing tools used by others, and maintaining them

Ways to stand out from the crowd:

  • Background with linux system administration

  • Experience (as user or administrator) with HPC schedulers such as SLURM, LSF 

  • Background with deploying and/or using containers (docker or otherwise)

  • Background deploying compute clusters in AWS

With highly competitive salaries and a comprehensive benefits package, NVIDIA is widely considered to be one of the technology world’s most desirable employers. We have some of the most forward-thinking and hardworking people in the world working for us. Are you a creative and collaborative software engineer with a passion for improving efficiency and AI research? If so, we want to hear from you!

The base salary range is 144,000 USD - 270,250 USD. Your base salary will be determined based on your location, experience, and the pay of employees in similar positions.
You will also be eligible for equity and benefits. NVIDIA accepts applications on an ongoing basis.

NVIDIA is committed to fostering a diverse work environment and proud to be an equal opportunity employer. As we highly value diversity in our current and future employees, we do not discriminate (including in our hiring and promotion practices) on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, disability status or any other characteristic protected by law.

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