AI/ML Engineering Research Internship


Keysight is on the forefront of technology innovation, delivering breakthroughs and trusted insights in electronic design, simulation, prototyping, test, manufacturing, and optimization. Our ~15,000 employees create world-class solutions in communications, 5G, automotive, energy, quantum, aerospace, defense, and semiconductor markets for customers in over 100 countries. Learn more about what we do. Our powerful, award-winning culture embraces a bold vision of where technology can take us and a passion for tackling challenging problems with industry-first solutions. Diversity, equity & inclusion are integral parts of our culture and drivers of innovation at Keysight. We believe that when people feel a sense of belonging, they can be more creative, innovative, and thrive at all points in their careers.


As part of the 6G Program at Keysight, you will be working on cutting edge solutions in the AI/ML space pertaining to the next generation of wireless networks. The solutions will be in one or more of wide-ranging technology areas, since AI/ML is predicted to be ubiquitously used in 6G. These areas could include among others, RAN optimization, air interface design, energy efficiency, test and evaluation methodology, channel modeling, integrated sensing and communication and reconfigurable surfaces.


The tasks include the creation and implementation of AI/ML approaches to solving specific problems in these areas, building real-time implementations of algorithms, and end-to-end system design, configuration of proof-of-concept demonstrations.  You will be required to think  innovatively and make connections across traditional communication network domain and the AI/ML domain.

You will have the opportunity to work with many different high-powered teams in Keysight’s Santa Rosa campus, giving you a broad view of this multi-faceted organization. Your work will become part of the next generation of solutions from Keysight, tailored to the new AI/ML-infused world. 



  • Graduate student or PHD majoring in Electrical / Computer Engineering 
  • Strong knowledge base in wireless network operation across multiple protocol layers
  • Strong familiarity with artificial intelligence and machine learning
    • Basic and advanced techniques
    • Data curation
  • Software capabilities should include familiarity with one or more of the typical tools used in the AI/ML world -  PyTorch, TensorFlow, C#
  • Familiarity with Matlab and other system modeling tools is recommended
  • Familiarity with GPU programming is a plus
Keysight Internship Program Requirements

Candidates who wish to be considered must be enrolled in a accredited college/university as of September 2024. Applicants who have graduated before September 2024 will not be considered unless they are entering/applying to a MS or PHD program after graduating.



California Pay Range: 47.93 - $54.77  

Based on experience, education and skills, most offers will be between the minimum and the midpoint of the Salary Range listed above.

Note: For other locations, pay ranges will vary by region.


Careers Privacy Statement

***Keysight is an Equal Opportunity Employer.*** Keysight Technologies Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, disability or any other protected categories under all applicable laws.

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