https://remoteai.io/storage/images/users/1713524725WhatsApp Image 2024-04-19 at 16.webp

Aman Kapoor

Beginner / Entry Level

A pre final student proficient in production level machine learning and can work in a diverse environments.

Role interests:

  • ml (machine learning)
  • data science
  • deep learning
  • ai jobs
  • NLP


  • python
  • tensorflow
  • computer vision
  • natural language processing

Regional interests:

  • Remote/Anywhere

Country interests:

  • Remote
  • india


I am a passionate student who always looks for opportunities to grow and expand my network. This opportunity is a great fit for me as I have an exceptional experience in natural language processing. I have been part of a project titled "Contextual Sentiment Analysis" in this project I finetuned BERT on my custom data to predict the sentiment of a news article. I also deployed this model using FastAPI. I have also worked on RAG for developing a question answering system on custom data. In my last internship at Saptang Labs, I was assigned a task of developing an OCR using current state of the art machine learning models for detecting 10+ bank logos preventing fraud detection. I have also worked on projects involving fine tuning of large language models like Llama2 on custom data. I think I can be a good fit to this role with my current skill set.

Job Types:

  • Internship
  • Part Time
  • Full Time