
Cole Neiderman

Intermediate / Mid Level

Statistics Student (BS '25) | LLM/Gen AI Prompt Engineer & Rater

Role interests:

  • data science
  • prompt engineering
  • Engineering
  • ai jobs
  • ml (machine learning)


  • python, r, sas
  • machine learning
  • data scraping/wrangling
  • data vizualization

Regional interests:

  • Remote/Anywhere
  • North America

Country interests:

  • Remote
  • united states

    Remote only:

  • Yes


Hi! I'm a third-year undergraduate studying Mathematics & Statistics at Utah State University. I have proven experience as a math-specialty prompt engineer/reviewer for a generative AI company and research experience in cutting-edge ML techniques (think random forests, GBMs, SVMs, etc.). I'm an excellent data wrangler with fluency in Python, R, and SAS. If you're looking for a data analyst, prompt engineer, or moderator with a deep understanding of the statistical;/CS theory behind ML and AI, look no further.

Job Types:

  • Full Time
  • Contract
  • Part Time
  • Internship
  • Temporary
  • Freelance