
Sathish Sreedhar

Intermediate / Mid Level

Results-driven Technical Manager with 16+ years of experience in software development and team management. Proficient in Java/J2EE and adept at planning, driving delivery, and hiring top talent.

Role interests:

  • No role interests added yet.


  • software development
  • team leadership
  • agile methodologies
  • hiring, team building, talent retention

Regional interests:

  • asia & pacific

Country interests:

  • india


• Software Development 
• Team Leadership 
• Agile Methodologies 
• Hiring, Team building, Talent retention
• Solution Design 
• Legacy modernization 
• Stakeholder Management 
• Scalability & System Architecture

o Full Stack Development: Java, Spring Boot, SQL, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS
o Cloud: Amazon Web services (AWS), RedHat OpenShift
o Design & Architecture: SOA, Restful web services, Micro-services, AWS Serverless
o API Gateway: Spring Cloud Gateway, Kong Enterprise Gateway
o Container Deployment & Automation: Docker, Kubernetes
o NoSQL: Redis
o RDBMS: RDS, PostgreSQL
o Infrastructure: Apache Tomcat, Nginx
o Build: Maven, Ant
o Version Control: Git, BitBucket, GitLab, SVN
o API Automation: PostMan, Httpclient, Rest Assured
o Performance: Jmeter, Load runner
o Monitoring and Alerting: New Relic, OpsGenie, AppDynamics
o CI/CD: Jenkins, Sonarqube, uDeploy 

Job Types:

  • Full Time