https://remoteai.io/storage/images/users/1715663503grey background edit.webp

Teddy Ambona

Advanced / Senior Level

Senior Machine Learning Engineer

Role interests:

  • MLOps
  • ml (machine learning)
  • Engineering


  • python
  • docker
  • pyspark
  • kubernetes

Regional interests:

  • Remote/Anywhere
  • asia & pacific

Country interests:

  • Remote

    Remote only:

  • Yes


 Versatile Python Engineer with 6Y+ of experience in SaaS, MLOps, cloud/web development, automation, designing battle-tested APIs (Flask/Django) and ETL processes. With a get-it-done attitude and the ability to work with minimal direction, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. Dedicated to delivering clean code as evidenced by my contributions on GitHub. Capable of fixing bugs in your complex codebase as well as building a toolchain from scratch for writing and shipping code to production through fast and efficient cycles. I am currently looking for fully-remote Machine Learning/Python engineering roles in EMEA (with guaranteed overlapping hours) or APAC time zones. 

Job Types:

  • Full Time
  • Contract