https://remoteai.io/storage/images/users/1699420819Alessia foto.webp


Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT

Role interests:

  • prompt engineering


  • chatgpt
  • llm prompt engineering, generative ai, large language model, natural language generation

Regional interests:

  • No regional interests added yet.

Country interests:

  • australia


Diligent and results-driven Customer Service Assistant with a passion for harnessing the power of AI in the realm of Prompt Engineering for Chat GPT. I bring a proven track record of enhancing customer experiences through effective communication and problem-solving. My background in AI Customer Service Engineering at AL&GI Cosmetics, where I utilized AI to streamline processes, personalize recommendations, and ensure regulatory compliance, has fueled my desire to delve into the world of Prompt Engineering. With a solid foundation in AI technologies and a commitment to innovative solutions, I am eager to leverage my unique skill set to contribute to your projects. Let's collaborate to unlock the full potential of AI for your buisness!

Job Types:

  • No job types added yet.