
Researcher| Data Analyst
Role interests:
- data analytics
- python
- machine learning
- research
- power bi
Regional interests:
- No regional interests added yet.
Country interests:
- canada
Researcher|Data Analyst| Engineer
Mobile: 438-879-8664
Email: tonima.masuda@gmail.com
LinkedIn: MA Tonima
Publications: MA Tonima
Research and Data Analytics Engineer
Data ELT for ML pipelines. Analyze data and create predictive ML models using frameworks like XGBoost, Pandas, Scikit-learn, PyTorch, TensorFlow, and Keras.
Deploy ML models for production.Develop frontend and backend of ML-driven applications.
Write comprehensive technical documentation for models and pipelines.
Mentor interns in ML concepts and best practices using agile methodologies. Collaborate on ML development priorities. Stay updated on ML and tech advancements.
Manage GitHub and SVN for version control. Test products, report bugs, and troubleshoot issues.
Cadex Electronics
June 2022- Present
Data Analytics Consultant
Prepared preliminary questionnaire for requirement gathering
Gathered requirements from client interviews,
Built wireframes using tools such as Figma and Mockflow,
Built dashboards with Power BI and Tableau
April 2022 – June 2022
Machine Learning Engineer (Fellowship)
Created the dataset from multiple sources such as DICOM images
Developed and trained AI models (using Keras API, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit, Matplotlib and other similar libraries),
User-interface development for the AI models using Pyqt5,
Handled large-scale data using GPU-based computation and AWS.
Used Tableau for presenting findings to internal stakeholders
INNOTECH Medical Industries Corp.
May 2021 – April 2022
Machine Learning Engineer (Internship)
Developed executable classifier using classical machine learning methods.
Used Keras API, TensorFlow, PyTorch, pandas, darknet, matplotlib and other similar libraries for the development of required projects,
Use of GPU to train large-scale datasets mainly consisting of radiographs of animals.
Successful completion of this internship led to a fellowship with MITACS and iMi.
INNOTECH Medical Industries Corp
October 2020 – April 2021
Calculated minority carrier diffusion length, carrier lifetime map and efficiency
Characterized Manufactured solar cells and closely followed the making process to identify any step that caused errors.
Atomic Energy Research Establishment
Sept 2014 – DECEMBER 2014
Master of Science in Electronic Engineering
Graduated with Distinction, ranked second among the graduating body.
University of Portsmouth
Sept 2015 – Aug 2016
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics and Electronics
Graduated with CGPA: 3.26, completed an internship at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment as part of degree completion.
BRAC University
Jan 2011 – Dec 2014
Power BI
Machine Learning
C programming
Built dashboards using Tableau and Power BI
Developed Lightweight Classifier using KERAS API
Developed user interface for ML modules using pyqt5
Used SQL for data extraction from DiCOM image database
Developed FPGA-based FIR filter
Made a sound-controlled vehicle using c programming and DsPIC
Developed multiple application-focused ML pipelines that was later merged into one UI
Designed Filter and coupler using AWR Design Environment for RF transmission system
Successfully made a body posture monitoring system using Arduino
Successfully Co-simulation of VHDL and MATLAB for MSC thesis using system generator
Researcher|Data Analyst| Engineer
Mobile: 438-879-8664
Email: tonima.masuda@gmail.com
LinkedIn: MA Tonima
Publications: MA Tonima
Research and Data Analytics Engineer
Data ELT for ML pipelines. Analyze data and create predictive ML models using frameworks like XGBoost, Pandas, Scikit-learn, PyTorch, TensorFlow, and Keras.
Deploy ML models for production.Develop frontend and backend of ML-driven applications.
Write comprehensive technical documentation for models and pipelines.
Mentor interns in ML concepts and best practices using agile methodologies. Collaborate on ML development priorities. Stay updated on ML and tech advancements.
Manage GitHub and SVN for version control. Test products, report bugs, and troubleshoot issues.
Cadex Electronics
June 2022- Present
Data Analytics Consultant
Prepared preliminary questionnaire for requirement gathering
Gathered requirements from client interviews,
Built wireframes using tools such as Figma and Mockflow,
Built dashboards with Power BI and Tableau
April 2022 – June 2022
Machine Learning Engineer (Fellowship)
Created the dataset from multiple sources such as DICOM images
Developed and trained AI models (using Keras API, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit, Matplotlib and other similar libraries),
User-interface development for the AI models using Pyqt5,
Handled large-scale data using GPU-based computation and AWS.
Used Tableau for presenting findings to internal stakeholders
INNOTECH Medical Industries Corp.
May 2021 – April 2022
Machine Learning Engineer (Internship)
Developed executable classifier using classical machine learning methods.
Used Keras API, TensorFlow, PyTorch, pandas, darknet, matplotlib and other similar libraries for the development of required projects,
Use of GPU to train large-scale datasets mainly consisting of radiographs of animals.
Successful completion of this internship led to a fellowship with MITACS and iMi.
INNOTECH Medical Industries Corp
October 2020 – April 2021
Calculated minority carrier diffusion length, carrier lifetime map and efficiency
Characterized Manufactured solar cells and closely followed the making process to identify any step that caused errors.
Atomic Energy Research Establishment
Sept 2014 – DECEMBER 2014
Master of Science in Electronic Engineering
Graduated with Distinction, ranked second among the graduating body.
University of Portsmouth
Sept 2015 – Aug 2016
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics and Electronics
Graduated with CGPA: 3.26, completed an internship at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment as part of degree completion.
BRAC University
Jan 2011 – Dec 2014
Power BI
Machine Learning
C programming
Built dashboards using Tableau and Power BI
Developed Lightweight Classifier using KERAS API
Developed user interface for ML modules using pyqt5
Used SQL for data extraction from DiCOM image database
Developed FPGA-based FIR filter
Made a sound-controlled vehicle using c programming and DsPIC
Developed multiple application-focused ML pipelines that was later merged into one UI
Designed Filter and coupler using AWR Design Environment for RF transmission system
Successfully made a body posture monitoring system using Arduino
Successfully Co-simulation of VHDL and MATLAB for MSC thesis using system generator
Job Types:
- No job types added yet.